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Morning Fasting Numbers 115 To 130. A1c 5.4 Is This Ok

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
Oxford, PA
August 21, 2020
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A DiabetesTeam Member

A1C is an average number, for the past 3 months and is a midpoint between your highest and lowest numbers.

Your fasting numbers don't contribute very much to your A1C. It's not that they are not important, but through research they discovered that FBS (fasting numbers) contribute less than 25% to your A1C value. So "really", A1C is a better average of how you are managing your sugars during awake/eating periods, then when fasting/sleeping where your liver provides the sugar.

An A1C of 5.4 equates to an "average" BG of 108 (6.0). It doesn't tell you how high or low you deviate from that, but that is smack in the middle of where (your) blood ranges. 5.4 is a "non-diabetic, totally NORMAL" A1C.

But as you note your fasting number are ranging from 115 to 130 (6.4-7.2). Those are NOT non-diabetic/normal numbers. Your fasting numbers are in the "pre-diabetic to diabetic" range.

This illustrates the danger of using A1C alone to tell "how well" you are doing. If we looked at your A1C by itself you might think "nothing is wrong", but your FBS numbers tell a different story - to avoid longer term complications, FBS numbers in that range "may indicate" that some form of overnight medication is required.

So what I would (guess) based on your two sets of numbers is: you are very vigalent about eating properly, getting excercise etc but your liver hasn't quite "got with the program" yet and it's dumping some extra sugar while fasting, which is totally beyond "your" control.

August 21, 2020
A DiabetesTeam Member

Weight has dropped from 253 to 185. I work most everyday, am do a lot of walking.
Thanks for your answer

August 27, 2020
A DiabetesTeam Member

You're pre-diabetic,,,,,, more exercise,,, and work on your weight!

August 27, 2020
A DiabetesTeam Member

Thanks, was not sure. Before dinner at night I am in the low 100’s. Try to limit my carbs , am on no meds.

August 21, 2020
A DiabetesTeam Member

Seems good to me, 115 (6.4 for Can and UK) to 130 (7.2). I would say your on the right track. Probably it is only your fbs that are high and the rest of the day you are below 108 (6.0). Canada and UK use metric system so we have to divide your number by 18, and US have to multiply ours by 18. Good job.

August 21, 2020

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