Hi Has Anyone Tried Dr Oz Gummy’s Which Claim They Get Rid Of Diabetes Or He Will Give You A Million Dollars So Has Anyone Tried Them
Well then you are buying the next round 😂
I'm Having A Hard Time With Portion Control. I Am Always Hungry. If I Am Now Eating Healthier Why Is Portion Control So Important.
Portion control is often related to your glucose levels. If they are running too low, they will drive your appeitite, but similarly, a slighly higher level can drive your eating. So make sure to keep… read more
Why Is The FBS The Most Important Reading Of The Day As Opposed To A Reading Later In The Day?
I find that my fbs nearly always affects my post meal readings for that day.
It is said that one of the reasons for high fbs is that the liver does not get a specific hormone from the pancreas… read more
I Hav Can Anyone Tell Me What Is The Normal Reading On A One Touch Machine I Cannot Figure Out When I Am High Or Low
in Australia the reading are 6,9 is good lower then 4,5 starts you of low and over 8.3 is the start of being high i get confused seeing the other countrys readings
Why Is Magnesium So Important, And What Is The Best Kind To Take?
I take @A DiabetesTeam Member the Jamieson Magnesium obviously not the best im sure but its helped with my leg cramps so im grateful . I cant afford all the high end vitamins that I take it would cost… read more
Hello Everyone. I Like Sugar With My Coffee And Hot Chocolate, Does Anyone Have A Good Alternative?
I use raw sugar when I need to use sugar
How Does Everyone Manage With The Admin?
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with T1D on the 28 feb this year and sometimes I feel like I’m doing great and then I realised there is a huge gap where I haven’t considered how to use my medical aid to the best of my ability or I haven’t considered and begun to deal with the concern of tracking every meal when I’m going to need to carb count and have no more insulin left in my body. I’m feeling overwhelmed today and I don’t know where to begin.
Don't panic.!!!!..take a deep breath and start to learn all you can about your diabetes.I have t2 but the challenges presented are the same.have added you to my team of wonderful friends
What Are Some Healthy Lunch Ideas If You Are Going Out To Fast Food Spots?
For me I usually stick to chicken, grilled without the bun and a salad if offered. Unfortunately not as many fast food joints offer salads. Culver’s is our go to fast food place as they offer grilled… read more
What's The Best (drink) To Stay Hydrated?
Seems like a dumb question because We "All Know" that water is the best thing to drink to stay hydrated, don't we?
We have heard that for years
Well guess what?
Somebody finally did a study (University in Scotland/Aberdeen) did the research and water is not number 1, in fact it comes in at number 10 on the list of "what hydrates us the best"
Here's the list with the caveat (they) found that water that contained some carbs, fat or protein resulted in more complete hydration then just plain or… read more
When Is The Best Time Of The Day To Test Myself
Then you are testing properly - we can never have too much information