Do I take metformin before, during or after my breakfast?
My endocrinologist also strongly suggested the importance if taking it with a meal...I take mine at breakfast and works at it's best with food in stomach
I take mine Just before I have Breakfast and again before dinner....As Jennifer said it works best on full stomach... because it tells the live how much insulin to produce..
Just found your question...
Metformin works best when taken before bedtime. Doing it this way helps counter dawn phenomenon (the body's inability to stop producing sugar overnight, making fbs high in the morning).
Do not take meds with oatmeal, especially Metformin. It binds to it and makes it much less effective.
i only take 1 a day and i take it in the morning with my breakfast
I have never been told when to take it. I take one tablet with my pills 3 times a day. I take humulin at breakfast and bedtime 44 units each time.
What Is Metformin And How Does It Work?
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