What Kind Of Diet Do I Follow, ADA Or LCHF ?
Follow Low Carb High Fat diet. I follow the max keto with only 20g of carbs per day. Have done quite well. Dropped my A1C from 10.1 to 6.6. Also have lost 32 lbs.
Iam with Patricia all the way, Been type two since 1994 and have had to watch my weight which is not easy, but it is all about how much you eat not what, I say that and mean in reason but if you eat good food I think you can eat most any thing, but not a lot of it. I use raw honey where I once used sugar and that has worked for me.
I am on a low carb diet, helps keep my blood sugar in check.
I believe in l/carb but I feel so ill on it and weak xx
Is A LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) Diet Good For Diabetics?
Dietary Supplements
Are There Guidelines For Diabetics Who Want To Fast? I Should Mention That I Am Not A Good Eater To Start With.