I have found that i have random bruises is this normal for diabectics?
I have b12injections every 3months..maybe thats why i dont get bruses
Indeed, I actually work up the other day and had a nice albeit, small, one just beneath my eye, but it faded during the course of the week. Then last week I found one on the back of my leg and was a bit worried so took a photo of it to check to see if it got bigger, but by the end of the week it had faded.
My neighpour.has that problem.
She told me the other night...and she is diabetic...also she takes aspro
I get bruises due to taking steroids are you just on diabetic medication or could other medications be causing this?
do u have chrones desease or cealiacdiseasex
Does Anyone Else Bruise Or Bleen At Their Injection Site?
How To You Prevent Brusing After An Injection?
Bruising On My Leg Sinc Knee Surgery. Been Over A Year.still There. Is Diabetes The Cause?