Has Anyone Run Out Of Their Meds Due To Lack Of Money Or Other Circumstances.
I forgot to order Novorapid yesterday & so I went without one injection at dinner last night. Money is a little tight, so I waited to order & then forgot. Hoping that this will not cause a major spike in my counts.
Have you applied for any help from @Lantus? Talk to your diabetic team. They have forms to fill out for free @Lantus. Not sure about @Novolog. We have a program here in Canada "Trillium" helps pay for some of your medical expenses.
You should also be able to get free test strips from your diabetes clinic.
Wish I could help you with this, but I'm not a rich person. Good thing my husbands plan pays for mine.
For a time before I couldn't afford my Lantus did the old fashion deal of using Humalog every hour to make adjustments while awake until I could once again afford the Lantus. Thankfully ODB covers the insulin now, so don't have to worry about running out or worst not being able to afford it, only thing that I can't always aford is new needles so on occasion have to reuse (which I dislike doing).
@A DiabetesTeam Member has loads of info on how to get greatly reduced or free meds and supplies. I assume that this info will help anyone in any country since all counties take their meds and their supplies.
That's good. Like you said wat about retirement. Is there something ,that can help. U should av national health insurance like this like in the UK 😃
My husband has a plan at work that pays 80% of medical expenses. I'm not sure how I will manage when he retires. Some days it's difficult to pay for things.
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