More Or Less Medication?
I have consistantly high blood sugar readings. I'm on Lantus and Gliclizide. My doctor says I need to up my medication, however I have discovered that if I lower my dosage at night my morning readings are better. In fact, just a lowering of 5 units lantus, from 30u to 25u in the morning and going back to 10u or 15u in the evening works better than keeping both dosages at 30u. Can anyone explain this to me. I would rather be on the lower dosage. Often I forget to take my glicizide in the mornings… read more
@A DiabetesTeam Member
Here is my understanding: People often experience what is called "a liver dump" during the night. This is where your liver dumps glucose into your system because your aren't eating and major organs need some to function properly. I would suppose that a dose of insulin too high before bedtime may cause the liver to dump in excess and cause the higher numbers in the morning.
I once had an endocrinologist suggest eating a handful of nuts (protein) before bed to combat this problem.
@A DiabetesTeam Member. I have done the protein in evening and it has helped tremendously with the spikes in blood sugars in the early am.
Try too keep accurate readings for a week before you go to your GP I know it is more work for you but it will help him make a better decision.
I tried gliclazide and it did nothing for my sugars. The doctor also told me it would make me fat so I told him to stuff it. Last thing I want is to get big.
@A DiabetesTeam Member. I do dual insulins; Apidra 14u @A DiabetesTeam Member night; take morning blood sugars and then 30u Lantus early am. No don't drop the gliclazide because it helps with the production over the day of insulin with the pancreas in the digestive system (I think). It's been a while since I have taken it. Any changes in your medications - don't do until you discuss with medical provider. Track your blood sugars for a period of 30 days and see what happens when you "forget to take" or "remember to take". Make a note with the tracking that you "remembered" or "forgot". If it continues to be really good (which you are doing really good by the way!) then show your doctor and make that decision together,
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