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A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
Coventry, UK

Why do people think progressing to insulin is a failure or something to be avoided?

T2 is a progressive condition if our body needs more support why avoid it?

I have been on basal/bolus since September '16 (was DX in 2004) and feel great. I had been pestering my GP for a year and he kept adding meds but then gave in admitting that it was insulin I needed. Such a relief!

Since then my HbA1c has gone from 9.2 to 6.2 with no change in my 100g carb eating plan.

I have continued with Forxiga… read more

January 26, 2017 (edited)
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A DiabetesTeam Member

Not necessarily, the age ranges for "types" doesn't really exist any more. There are children being dx with T2 and I have a friend who was dx with T1 in her 40s it's about how your body is working.
My GP suggested T1.5 when I was dx due to my presentation but refused the blood test due to cost as the treatment was similar to T2 although I was put straight into orals rather than being given the option of diet alone as my diet was ok, I was not obese in fact I had lost a stone and a half in a year and my HbA1c was high at 12.2. He said at that point I would be on insulin sooner than later. If I hadn't gone LCHF for 5 years insulin would have been sooner. I could not sustain that eating plan through a period of high stress though and when I got back on track it was not enough even with 3 different orals.

February 6, 2017
A DiabetesTeam Member

@A DiabetesTeam Member

February 2, 2017 (edited)
A DiabetesTeam Member

I thought they were joking wen they mentioned 1.5, apparently not lol πŸ˜ƒ

January 29, 2017
A DiabetesTeam Member

That's exactly what I suspect, I do because when I got diagnosed they weren't too sure it was T2, but to answer your first question, I thought of myself as a failure and I tried to avoid insulin for a long time, and when I finally needed it tried to get off on my own until I ended up in the hospital with Dka, I feel much better now on insulin but my A1c is still 9.8, I have a nutritionist's appointment on the 23rd, she works with an endocrinologist so hopefully I'll change doc too cause mine doesn't really help me much.

January 16, 2018
A DiabetesTeam Member

Kim and Jenny; my nephew has been diagnosed with juvenile fibromyalgia and so I give him lots of telephone hugs.

February 19, 2017

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