Anyone Experience Pain In Middle Finger Up To Your Shoulder? Just Wondering If It Is A Diabetic Thing.
I woke up last Thursday to my middle finger on my right hand in extreme pain, I could barely move it. I see my Dr. on Monday, but over the past week the pain is still there but sometimes my ring finger goes numb and the pain goes up to my shoulder, its a dull pain up my arm and a sharper pain in my elbow, then up to my shoulder with dull pain again. I have never experienced this before so I am a bit concerned. Our emergency rooms are so busy right now with the norovirus that I don't want to go… read more
When I got the call from my doctor telling me that I needed to come to her office NOW, it was because my A1C was over 15 and my spot reading that morning from my blood tests were around 30. I was pre-diabetic before that and was taking 1 500mg Metformin in the morning and one at night. Another doctor gave me a nerve block to try and relieve some of my sciatic pain. The Steroids in the shot put me into uncontrollable runaway diabetes. I did a lot of research when I was told to double my Metformin and take Insulin twice a day. My wife was an Insulin diabetic who could not exercise or lose weight even eating about 1200 calories a day. She died of congestive heart failure about 4 years ago.
I knew that I needed to get a handle on my diabetes. I found out that a moderate amount of alcohol was fine, 1-2 ounces of spirits, 6 ounces of wine or 1-2 lite beers was fine as long as you counted the fats and carbs in the drink as part of your overall allowance. Some spirits have carbs and some don't/ Thank God Scotch has none.
I would say, if you don't think you can just have one or two drinks per day, don't have any.
If you are only giving yourself insulin when your BG is high, ask your doctor if you should be taking it twice a day - every day. If you do that, you are less likely get the highs.
Everyone is different. When I started insulin, I was told to take 6 units twice a day, and to take my 4 readings every day. I was told to increase the number of units by 2 every second or third day until I was within a safe reading.
I now take 55-60 units twice a day. I count my carbs, calories and fats - but mostly carbs. I will cheat every week or so but that's just life. It takes me twice as long to shop because nothing goes in my cart that I haven't checked the Nutritional Data on the product.
You have to accept the fact that your liver and liver and pancreas are not functioning at 100% and you deal with it by eating right, or you get rid of it. I've heard that going on the Gastric Bypass diet can in some cases repair the functions of the liver and the pancreas to the point of curing the diabetes. I ask the doctor about this and she said, "Well, I've heard that that will work in some cases." which shocked the hell out of me. The only problem is actually getting a copy of the diet. Sorry to go on and on like this but you really need to take your diabetes seriously.
Yes I am on a schedule. I take one pill with breakfast, one with dinner and then insulin at bed time. I also take insulin if my blood sugar is high. I know it is not a good omen, and I honestly feel terrible about how I have been treating myself. I know I have to take better care of myself some days I just feel like I don't want to do anything or see anyone or even take care of myself. The main part of my problem is that I started drinking alcohol a lot more than I ever have, which I have since quit drinking for the most part. I see all the things that are wrong with my body and know it is because I haven't had proper control of my blood sugars. I just need to get my self set straight and take care of myself. I only get one chance in life and I am blowing it.
My neurologist explained to me that part of the problems I've been having with my hands (stiff, swollen, red fingers and hands, tingling, loss of tactile sense) that has become quite vexing for me (I'm a musician) is due to the fact that diabetes very often induces a type of tunnel carpal syndrome. Very painful. I don't get THAT symptom, the pain, thank goodness, or I wouldn't be able to play at all. She, never the less, instructed me to purchase a wrist brace from the drug store and to wear it to bed every night. Your symptoms seem to match what my doctor was talking about much more than mine do. Maybe ask your MD about using a wrist brace.
I drink too much beer and it makes my sugars go sky high. Alcohol is not a good choices if you are serious about controlling sugar levels. Exercise help. I hate to do it, but it is necessary!
I know the feeling. I do the same thing. I don't drink, I eat sweets when I know I shouldn't. We need to learn to love ourselves. Good luck.
Did You Know That Diabetics Should Never Prick The Tops Of Their Fingers, But Only The Sides Of Fingers, To Prevent Nerve Damage.
I Would Like To Know If Anyone Else Has Experienced Tingling In Their Fingers...I Experience Tingling In My Fingers Just Before I Wake Up...
Do You Feel "alone" As A Diabetic?