What are good snacks to eat for diabetes?
Hummus and guacamole with crucifurious veggies
My learning process ALWAYS til u memories check glucose level count your intake ones u know the real #s eat fruits, even some fruits can kick your BSL=glucose, try to before meals drink water, which is the Best drink & u will feel full.
Thank you!! Good ides
Almonds, celery with peanut butter or piece of fruit.
a small piece of cheese,a hard boiled egg, a few strawberries, blueberries or raspberries are good too. they do not affect my levels and they are a nice substitute for sweets. you can also eat a few baked garbanzo beans( dry them, sprinkle with seasoning of your choice and bake til crunchy,) bake kale sprinkled with a little olive oil and sprinkle with seasoning until crisp( is a good sub for chips).hope you like my ideas. oh my I forgot a few almonds work well as a snack too.
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