What Is The Worst Advice You Have Ever Received Regarding Your Diabetes?
When I first was diagnosed, I went to several online support sites for advice. Some of the worst advice I got were diets that were not actually intrinsically diabetes friendly.
For example, I was told "No white foods". Eh? No cauliflower? White potatoes are prohibited, but purple potatoes are fine? The flaw being that the color of the food is not at all a reliable indicator of carb content.
I was also told to do a vegan diet. The trouble with the vegan diet is that, in and of itself, it… read more
Hello! I have been vegetarian for nearly 30 years - and having been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes has been challenging for the very reason you mention. I attended the offered 4 classes for dietary training and it was very frustrating to me when everyone else was 'allowed' no-carb protein sources and as you said - the carb count for many non-meat sources is extremely limiting. One person said: "so eat MEAT!" That is NOT an option for me. So I am as creative as possible and have been learning to adjust. I've lost 25 pounds and all of my #'s are now in the low/normal range. My doctor is thrilled... I'm still angry that I developed diabetes. I also enjoy tempeh - and at times tofu - particularly the shelf-stable cartons of silken tofu. I am hoping to connect with others with similar dietary preferences to exchange ideas. Also - as you referenced - it is very disappointing to me to limit some foods I enjoy most to such small quantities... organic brown Basmati rice, beans, legumes, many healthy grains like millet & quinoa, French lentils...
Pointless to be angry about developing diabetes. It is what it is and you can control it.
Look for the list with low glycemic index.
Worst advice I was given was to follow the ADA's diet and accept that I would have higher numbers and diabetic complications no matter what I do. After many hours of research, I now know better!
Time to talk to a nutritionist.
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Feeling Frustrated A Bit Low Morale And Sad And OverwelmedðŸ˜
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