How important is the color of urine? I drink a lot of fluid to try to keep the color of my urine as clear as possible. If i don't or when I wake up and go the color is a darker yellow.
Darker urine in the morning is common. During the day, it should be lighter. Dehydration can be one cause of darker urine.
BTW, some meds can darken urine too.
It stinks to
Meds can change the color.
My Urine Is Very Very Strong Is That Because My Reading Is High .. I Been Injecting Trilicity For A Few Months Now
I Have Noticed White Cloudy Spots In My Urine. I Do Have Ckd,and I Am Taking Jardiance.Could It Be Protein Or Excess Sugar?
Does Diabetes Make Your Urine Smell Bad And Why Do I Smell Like Urine All The Time I Don't Like Being Around People