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Does Anyone Else Feel Frustrated Being Diabetic?

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question 💭
Bushey, UK

I have recently changed medication as couldn't get my sugars under control. Now they are much better but went through an awful time starving myself to try and reduce them and then all if a sudden having a hypo. I was v stressed and believe that this has had an impact on my sugars. I'm trying to lose weight and do more exercise but sometimes I'm just so tired and frustrated I want to scream...... I feel there is a perception that diabetes , type 2, is a fat disease and we sit around all day… read more

July 18, 2017
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A DiabetesTeam Member

I am so over being a Diabetic. This disease and I have been in this relationship for the last 44 years. My blood sugars are great because of a new med reigeme. I still feel cheated when others are enjoying themselves and I have count how much air I breathe.I read lables for sugar content in order to figure out if I can eat it. This disease is on my nerve. The bright spot is at 63 I am not experiencing any complications from Diabetes.I have just learned I have lived to fight another day.

September 11, 2019
A DiabetesTeam Member

Yes having diabetes is very stressful never know how the numbers are going to be and most of all can't eat what you want ugh

August 4, 2017
A DiabetesTeam Member

Diabetes is a challenge. I'm newly diagnosed and still in the process of learning about what works for me. One thing I've tried to alter is my desire to go into denial about what's happening in my body. Instead of thinking it would be ok to have a pizza because it's been a long time, I now check my sugar before I eat or even start to cook. This is a reality check for me. It's usually not where it should be and seeing that number pop up on my meter makes it impossible for me to go into denial. I'll then be more motivated to eat smaller portions and healthier meals. Last night I wanted pizza so bad. I was telling myself how much I deserved it because I had worked so many hours and accomplished so much at work. I was about to order one, but checked my numbers instead. Too high, so I dredged cucumbers in rye flour and egg wash and fried them in olive oil, added salt substitute and dipped them in cocktail sauce. I wish I could say I had a big glass of water with them, but I'm terrible about drinking water. I had weak, unsweetened ice tea instead. This snack only lessened my desire for pizza, but it did work. This morning BS readings 109 instead of the 130 they would have been had I had pizza. So today I can do more than just correct bad readings. Uugh.

August 10, 2017
A DiabetesTeam Member

I asked my endocrinologist this very question because I hit the wall after being a T2D for 20+ years. She told me that it is not uncommon for this to happen. Most people will work their way out of it with either a change in routine, meditation or sitting down and talking with their doctor and dietitian.There are the rare few that need intervention with a psychologist. So, if you have an issue; talk with your doctor. I came out of my funk when I could again leave my house and get back into a normal schedule despite covid-19. Remember that knowledge is power. We are not the obese. truffle loving, couch potatoes. Loose that mind set, hold you head high and don't let the despoilers get you down. You are worthy and have much to offer. Every day is a day the Lord has made and remember to rejoice in it.

July 21, 2020 (edited)
A DiabetesTeam Member

14 pounds is one stone. If someone has lost 9 stone then the sum is 9 x 14.

July 29, 2017

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