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A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question 💭
Pierrefonds, QC

Why do I feel hungry all the time when I eat fruit, veg, cerials. I do not eat red meat at all but I eat chicken, salmon, cheese (Edam), sardines and other fish with oils and brown bread. My medication includes, Targenact, Pregabalin, Ropinirol, Amlodipine, Enalapril, Omeprazole and Simvastatin.Is there anything I can take to make me feel full. Any advice would be very much appreciated thank you.

November 3, 2017
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A DiabetesTeam Member

Tam...Diet..You sure your hungry?! Are you drinking enough dehydration can make you feel hungry, it's not food you need but a drink. Or it could be lack of sleep. Short sleep reduce the hormone leptin in which inhibits hunger and increases levels of the hormone ghrelin which stimulates hunger. This is one reason why poor sleep may lead to gaining weight. It could be your eating to many carbs, eating a lot in one sitting spikes b.s.. glucose in particular and surges insulin to be released, the hormone that stimulates our cells to take up glucose. As sugar is quickly removed from the blood this triggers hunger and more carb cravings, so ditch the refined carbs and moderate the complex carbs things like sweet potato brown rice or quinoa combined with a good protein such as a piece of fish or chicken, and a big serving of non starchy veg like broccoli or other green veg. These will help the carbs to be digested more slowly and keep you fuller for longer, and won't cause a surge in insulin that makes your blood sugar drop...hope this helps..take care...Chris

November 7, 2017 (edited)
A DiabetesTeam Member

Not sure how accurate this is but I read that when your sugars are high you cell can't take in the glucose properly. So your body ythink it is hungry. I have noticed I am hungry when I have eaten to many carbs.

November 3, 2017
A DiabetesTeam Member

I feel full when I eat nuts. The problem with that is I like them salted. I recently discovered I can eat walnuts without them being salted and roasted, so I've switched from pecans to walnuts. Cheese also helps me feel full. Before my bs was considered controlled, before I was diagnosed, I kept telling my doctor that I was hungry all of the time. I had all of the symptoms but neither of us put it together until I had some preop blood work done. I felt like I was starving and was so thirsty all of the time. Things have evened out now and I've adjusted to smaller portions along with eating healthier food. Protein of any source helps fill me up.

November 3, 2017
A DiabetesTeam Member

Personally, I would question every one of those medications...and I mean really question their actual benefit to you.....STATINS are a disaster. Please find a copy of the book Grain Brain by Perlmutter.....your hunger is a BRAIN disconnect....also consider getting yourself tested for the MTHFR genetic anomaly....many of the drugs you mention act to leach Methyl-Tetra-Hydro-Folate from your system.....this is a B-vitamin component that has a direct action on the brain-gut connection that tells you that you are full.....also consider the Paleo diet....and get rid of cereals....they are guaranteed to give you a sugar crash in very short order.....the drugs you are taking all have side effects and they all deplete your body of nutrients that you can and should supplement.

November 6, 2017
A DiabetesTeam Member

I'm in the midst of following the food routine promoted in Dr Gundry Plant Paradox book (he also has a cook book to help with meal planning). I'm only a month in (just diagnosed with type 2 in early/mid Feb). Told my DR I plan on beating it by a combination of eating right and exercise. My goal is losing 36lb in 90 days through better eating and exercise.. Time will tell. Jury is out

March 1, 2019

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