Extreme Pain, Burning Feet And Lower Leg
I suffer extreme pain in my lower leg and feet. Although it gets massaged three timees a week, it is so sore that I sometimes do not know what to do with the pain. My veins are also very swollen. Please help, what can I do to relieve the pain?
I went on line and found a health website which suggested taking Neurabic for my problem of pain in the feet. The condition is called peripheral neuropathy were the blood is not circulating to the extremes of the feet. I have been taking Neurabic for 2 months now and it has stopped the foot pain. I also get extreme cramp in both legs.
As a diabetic we are prone to low magnesium levels which can cause pain in feet and legs. The best way to build up the levels is to take magnesium kelate supplements and take regular epsen salt soaks.
Hydro-therapy is a famous name for alternating dips between hot and cold water baths. The hot water allows the blood vessels to dilate, while the cold water allows them to contact. This helps improve circulation, which can reduce and prevent pooling of fluids in the feet and ankles. Put your feet in hold water for 3-5 minutes and then into the cold water for 30-60 seconds. Alternate between the 2 for 15-20 minutes. Try this a few times a day!
My Legs Are In Pain
Guys My Feet Are Burning And Can't Sleep At Night. What Can Help Me?
Tingling In My Feet