How Do You Motivate Yourself To Exercise When You Live Alone In A Rural Area, Considered Morbidly Obese, And Far Enough Away From A Gym.
The closest gym to where I live is 20 minutes away because I live alone in a rural hilly area and am considered morbidly obese and lead a rather sedentary lifestyle. What sort of things do you do to fit in exercise.
I Agree.. just making a start with a small walk around the block will improve your blood flow and burn some sugar. Test before and after your walk see the effect in actual numbers will inspire you to do it again. Then stand up more at home. Sounds silly but standing uses more calories than sitting. If you have a breakfast bar try reading the paper stood up ?
Try a lower carb diet too. It’s hard to cut all carbs out at once but it’s amazing how fast weight drops off. But just cutting down on bread rice pasta pizza potatoes.. slowly like one slice less.. try having open sandwiches or 2 less potatoes with dinner. Then next week go a step further ...
Look up 8 week blood sugar diet by Dr. Michael Mosley .
Start today and then check in here tomorrow to let us know what small change you made. One day at a time we can support you.
Walking is a good way to get exercise. If you can't get out to walk because of the weather do a deep cleaning!of your house or walk around the house. In the spring start a garden. Make a goal like I will walk to the mail box and back. Once that goal is easy increase the distance but make it do able. You can do this.
Almost anything for right now. The main thing is to begin moving around again. Not run a marathon, but once around the block could be a great start. You will feel better, just take your time and do not overdo it all at once in the beginning. Eating Healthier is a lifestyle change we all could use help with. Replace just 1 snack with something healthy, and enjoy it!! Then gradually replace more, as you feel more comfortable doing so. You will also see the weight coming off very gradually too. Shoot for 2 1/2 lbs per week as a minimum to begin with. Good luck and I hope it helps you get motivated
I also am having trouble with exercise, its too damn hot to walk but I have downloaded a pedimeter on my phone and am trying to do more steps, even if its just around the house, am 77 years old and have osteoarthritis but still trying.
Walking 45 minutes a day and going to low carb diet worked for me too.I lost weight and my diabetes is in remission
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