How Do I Deal With These Feelings Of Depression And Worthlessness?
I'm type 2 diabetic for over 15 years. I can't work due to severe neropathy and poor circulation in my legs. I'm unable to walk without a cane because I also have balance problems. I try to help at home but can't do much there either. I just feel worthless to my wife. She puts in 50 hour weeks and has to do 75% of the housework too. I've applied for disability but, after 2 and half years still waiting for a court date.
I'm not surprised that you feel depressed. You have a lot going on in your life. Diabetes can be an intrusive and overwhelming disease. You have my sympathy with your struggle. Perhaps talking to a therapist or joining a local support group would help with your depression. Have you checked with the National Diabetes Association for these types of support?
@A DiabetesTeam Member
I have dealt with diabetes for over twenty five years. I know that worthless, helpless feeling when you just cant do what others can. We have moved a few times and I have watched from the sidelines, my wife is one of those who loves the Do It Yourself home improvement shows and it pains me to know she will never have that handy man who could do the things she watches on television. After 25 years of diabetes the intimacy issues ED can cause are also an issue. So I know what it is like to feel a little worthless
Having said all that, I think what everyone needs is moral support. Our roles have definitely changed during our time together. But what hasn't changed is our support for one another. I try now to do more of the administrative tasks, like paying bills and filing taxes. I try to encourage my wife in everything she tries and do what I can. I look for opportunities to let her know how much I appreciate and respect her.
I have seen a therapist in the past and I whole heartedly recommend them for anyone who wants or needs help dealing with the emotional issues diabetes brings with it. I hope we all can find the help we need to be the best we can be. It is amazing just how important it is to remember that our best attributes are often kindness and love. Those are the things that matter most when it comes to worth and value.
I'm not surprised about the length of time your disability is taking to get approved. I hope you're using an attorney to help you get the disability. That's what it took to get mine approved. Talk to your doctor about this. The doctor may be able to prescribe an antidepressant medication that may help in addition to therapy. Your wife knows you love her I'm sure.
You'll get it, just be patient. Hope you have a lawyer. It's easier to get on if you do, so I've been told and have had a few friends confirm that. Make sure not to give up. Standing and walking for long periods of time is hard for me too. Been trying to find a job where I don't have to. I'm single and have noone to depend on so count your blessings. Make sure you keep eating right, cut out processed carbs as much as you can and exercise a little every day. I suffer from depression too. I had it before the diabetes and its worse now but, I just keep trucking on and so should you. CHIN UP!
I had my nerves damaged in my right arm. I went through hell. I booked myself in an. ay urvedic hospital in Bangalore , india. It was the best thing I did. Six months I am still as fit as a fiddle. Some thing you should consider doing
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