New Meter (Free Style Libre,)
My Doctor has prescribed a new meter so I don't have to prick my fingers all the time it's a Free style Libre,
my doc said that most insurance companies will pay for the two part kit.. Well I don't know because it going to end up costing me $145...
Has anyone ever tried it? What do you think? Is it more accurate than the finger sticks, just as accurate or not as accurate?
Has anyone found where you can get it at a really reduced rate or even free?
Love it was on it for close to 6 months before coverage was pulled for it (once it hit general market).
Only having to apply a senory evey 14 days was cost saving, as i was spending upwards of 400+ a month for the 350 to 400 strips i go through every month like clockwork to keep my a1c in the 5s.
I found it just as accurate as my meter i use - it was most helpful in training my diabetic alert dog to get the right scents with a safe range for me to get her to learn my lows from highs.
My only issue with it is the skin tack used for the application contains latex or similar compound that turns out I'm allergic to so the red welts and itch factor from the sensor was most annoying but i put up with it because it was so helpful and affordable.
I have used the system for almost a month and have found that the Freestyle Libre runs between 15-30 points lower than my regular meter. Tonight however the gap was as much as 100 points, I always do a finger stick when the system shows extremes, at nearly $30 a sensor you would think the system would be more accurate. I test so frequently the constant monitoring is a blessing yet curse at the same time. And where I work states that the my regular meter can not be brought in, I guess they are afraid I might hurt someone with it.
I have used this system for about 2 months. My readings were so inaccurate (compared to finger stick) that I gave up. Some of my readings were almost 28% too high, others too low. Can't plan anything or correct b.s. when you are not sure of the accuracy of results. Back on finger sticks and much happier.
I tried the Free Style Libre. You can order through here I am a cluts so my Sensors fell off. The company will replace if it falls off before your two weeks are up but they suggested with my replacement to use a duoderm dressing which I did but took a reaction to the dressing and once removed the sensor fell off. I still have one left (the replacement) not sure when I plan to put it on as it is summer and I enjoy swimming and you cannot be emerged in water under three feet.... The nice thing was not pricking my finger, I had a reading t night and figured out that I spike and drop before morning.
I switched to the relion brand at walmart. I hear pricking the side of your finger is less painful
What Is The Most Reliable Monitor?
Is There Any Other Method Or App To Use To Take Your Sugar Readings Besides The Libre Sensor Or Finger Prick. Libre Sensor Too Expensive.
Does Anyone Use The Abbot Freestyle Libre 3 Meter? Thoughts About It?