Does Anyone Have Swollen Ankles? What Can Be Done?
My Doctor says to keep my feet elevated and to wear support hose... I can't get the socks up even with the equipment from the pharmacy to help...
Getting into those compression socks is a real stinker! By the time I wrestle them on, I need another shower. But I must reluctantly admit, they help a lot. My legs were really swollen after surgery and the compression socks were the only thing that helped. I live in San Antonio and the thought of compression socks in the summer is depressing so I only wear them when I really have to.
There are compression socks that have a zipper, much easier to put on. There is also a tutorial online with some good methods of putting compression socks on.
You need to see your endocrinologist and work out a plan as the swelling might be a complication that needs immediate medical care as swelling can be anything from heart issues to circulatory problems which can lead to loss and other complicarions if not treated correctly.
Amazon has support hoses that zip up.
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