Low Blood Sugar
I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a year ago and reduced my A1C to 6.1 with food and exercise. My numbers have dropped, I usually test 5x day. Over the last 2 weeks I've been having low sugar levels during afternoon and evening hours. Low readings vary from 54 - 68. My diabetes dietitian says it's called rebound hypoglycemia because I've been swimming 6 hours a week and have lost 35 lbs in last 3 months. Ive lost a total of 56 lbs in 1 year and need to lose another 80 lbs. I eat snack… read more
@A DiabetesTeam Member When you eat anything, (proteins, carbs, whatever), your bg levels will go up. Your body is doing what it is supposed to do. The levels peak at about 2 hours after a meal and start coming back down. For us diabetics keeping that after meal increase on the low side is what is important. I think ADA recommends less than 180 as an acceptable level after a meal, though I'm pretty sure I exceed that at times. I've seen others say they try to keep it under 140 post meal and some like to have no more than a 40 point rise. I guess it depends on how strict you want to be. Exercise also helps lower your bg, so a brisk walk helps.
Are you on insulin? If so maybe you need to reduce your insulin intake, talk with your doctor about this.
I drink Costco’s vanilla drink. It is like boost. Works well for me
U either need to carb load before working out to curb the drop or protein load n hope your body will convert it into energy proper.
I use to carb load as soon as i finished at the gym id eat fresh fruit and not spike at all because it was what ky body needed and id follow it with a protein shake.
For marathons id carb load before n then add a protein shake to help the load stay in my system to sustsin me for the next several hours so time i finished the run id be close to my goal of 4 (72)
I was having lows after lunch about once every two weeks, I spoke with dietician and she thought it I was not having enough carbs with my lunch. Maybe look at your meals and ensure you are having enough carbs with your meals ?
Anybody Have The Pro Bleme Of Hi Sugar Only During Night Time And Morning And Ok Rest Of The Day ?
My Blood Sugar Readings