Are there any recipes or diet plans recommended that I can follow my method isn't working so well, please help.
Hi Tonya I suggest you try this diabetic nutrition guide that my husband and I follow. He is type 2 diabetic.
We eat lean meats, vegetables, a small orange or apple twice daily, low fat milk and 4-16 ozs bottles of water throughout the day. We snack on nuts 2 hours before bed and walk 2-3 times daily for an hour or other exercises like dancing, throwing the ball to the children swimming or gym. It keeps our numbers good. I have high blood pressure which is a similar illness.
We avoid white rice, white potatoes, pasta, white bread, pastries, cookies, cakes, pies and candies.
Blessings to you and your family!! 😁
Don't know what you're trying, but low carb is very beneficial. It does take commitment though. You can't just do it for a few months and then revert. It's a lifestyle change.
Stay away from junk food and any foods that are prepared commercially. Do it yourself. I am sure if you just type in the name of the food in google you will find a good recipe.
Tonya, I suggest you google diabetes recipes or talk to your doctor about a healthy diet for your medical problems.
I got a diabetes health guide with nutrition foods for my husband to eat and avoid and websites. My husband is type 2 diabetic and I have high blood pressure and we follow a lean meats vegetables a small apple or orange low fat milk and 4-16 ozs bottles of water daily. We walk 2-3 times daily to keep our numbers good.
We avoid white rice white potatoes, white bread croissants, pastries, cakes, cookies, candies, ice cream and pies.
Blessings to you and your family! 😊
Look up LCHF(low carb high fat) or Keto diet.Close to the same thing.Has helped me in a huge way.
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