Stabbing..numbing Pains In Arches
Besides neuropathy I have matarasalgia..which doubles my misery..any relief
Increase your intake of Magnesium. It will relax your muscles. Also take CoQ10. Depletion by Metformin causes muscle aches and weakness
Dear JanHume,
You may wish to try the following.
STOP Metformin - Lomg term usage damages your kidneys. Instead use Glyco-X 500. Safer and free from side effects.
Get your Thyroid checked up along with Leptin Intolerance.
Cold feet and Hands are primerily due to Thyroid problems.
Tingling in feet and hands is more likeley due to Neuropathy caused by Metformin depleting you B12. Check and ensure you are getting Mega B vitamins.
Buy yourself TPN 200 plus Tens machine. But Large and mediuim size pads and apply to zones of pain including underside of your soles where you have matarasalgia problems. increase singnal strength slowly as you get used to the signal strength. I have found comfor from the above.
Wash your feet with warm water and Massage your soles and legs with cllafied butter daily.
You may drink this butter in tea/milk/coffee as you wish with 1 spoon of butter. This is direct fat and not carbohydrate. This will ward off hunger as well control your glucose spiking and help leptin intolerance.
Use Coriander Essential Oil, Lavender Essential Oil, Cinnamon Essential Oil, Clove Essential Oil and Ocotea Essential Oi for massaging and can also be taken orally.
Benefits of essential oils for diabetics include reducing blood sugar levels, increasing insulin function and lowering cholestrol etc. Today, we can use essential oils not just by smelling or diffusing and applying on our skin but also consuming it as a supplement.
I wish you good Luck sir.
ALA is very good. Min intake should be 1200mg to be effective also can take Acetyl L Carnitine min 1000mg.
Thanks for info..another question .what bout taking alpha lipoic acid for neuropathy
Thank you
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