Youbhelp Me Diabetes
I would go to the American Diabetes Association website ( They have a lot of information there about food, etc.
I recently had a visit with my eye doctor. My eyes are still doing good. I believe he said the floater will fluctuate meaning it will be noticeable & less noticeable to how much sugar goes in my bloodstream. Even the pharmacist's assistant said it will or should clear up when my b.s.g. decreases. It seems like that. The wise thing to do is just keep it under control to below that.
I've followed Dr. Jason Fung for over a year now and has helped me immensely. He has videos on YouTube, that's where I started. He advocates a low carb, high good fat, moderate protein diet with fasting. I wish you well.
Food eat I am diabetes
Since that question, I've been fortunate enough to have brought my b.s.g. down a good deal to low borderline to the high side of normal levels. I've tried eaten semi-right with suggested foods I know I like. I've laid off from potatoes, pasta & chocolate a lot (difficult challenge) I refrain from eating anything sweet after 10-10:30 p.m. My floater is not that noticeable that I was told when my b.s.g. was lowered. But any more suggestions of what to eat are always welcome.
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