Can Anyone Please Advise Me Of Foods I Can And Can't Eat That Won't Break The Bank And Are Honestly Not Going To Spike My Sugars?
I keep reading sites that say I can eat this then another says I can't! What can I eat that won't spike my sugars? Actual sites? Won't break the bank either.
I am in Canada
My experience says pretty much any well balanced meal will work ok. Lower carbs of course, so only small amounts of pasta, potatoes, bread... That sort of things. I tend to stay away from deserts, though small amounts once in awhile. Hard fiberous fruits like apples and pears work ok in moderation, but beware grapes, plums, and soft flesh fruits. And know that this disease is somewhat individual. Things that shoot one diabetics sugar to the moon only marginally effect a different diabetic. Try things. Test a lot.
I stay away from highly refined carbs and sugars. Those are the items that triggered my blood sugar spikes. Breads, pasta, some fruits, potatoes, carrots, and most processed foods. Look at the ingredient labels. You will find that 90% of processed foods contain added sugars. I know this is contrary to most dietary guides, even for diabetics. But I am convinced that diabetes type 2 is a dietary illness and not a chronic illness with no cure. High insulin levels create insulin resistance in our cells, and also cause weight gain. To use insulin as a remedy makes little or no sense to me.
But thats just my opinion.
(so far lost close to 40 lbs, am off 2 types of insulin, three types of oral meds for type 2, and now only take metformin. A1C is down from 10.4 to 7 in 8 months, still fighting some insulin resistance but getting there as well. Have had T2 for 20 years, guess I cannot expect it to fix itself in 8 months lol)
Stay away from white bread, potatoes, root vegetables, rice, high carb veggies, a lot of people can't handle fruit, but berries seem to be ok for me.Do you have a meter?Eat to your meter, meaning check you level before you eat, to get a base.Check 1 hour after eating to see how high youv'e spiked, then again at 2 hrs to see how fast the spike has settled.This should give you a good idea about what certain foods will do to you
Here is some low carb food (i eat keto , so thats what this is, but they are the foods you can eat to lower numbers
Below is a low carb veggie chart. Good Luck!!!
@A DiabetesTeam Member The answer is out there but so many are misguided by dietician and doctors outdated info that they have no idea. In 7 years of med school, about 11 hours are used on nutrition. It's just pills, pills, insulin more pills because they are taught to manage symptoms and not the disease. They need to spend more time working on the disease. For a diabetic, high blood sugar is only the symptom. I am lucky enough to have a doctor who doesn't fall into that category and has helped me lessen the disease. I only test my blood sugar now if I have something that I don't normally eat. With my diet, my blood sugar can't go high, unless I eat something stupid or am sick.
Careful with coconut sugar it has 4 gr carbs per tablespoon, yikes!
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Pls Provide Me With A List Of Food Not Tio Eat