How Can You Fight Fatigue Syndrome From Diabetes
One method is to eat either a meal or snack at regular intervals- 3-4 hours throughout the day. U need to feed yourself manually to maintain energy & keep it stable. I used to "crash" at 2 pm before I learned to set up interval eating.
All depends on how well your diabetes is controlled. If you constantly have higher numbers, for me, that made me more tired.
Nothing worse then extreme fatigue in the afternoon. While at work n fatigue hit me I would just want to resign from work. Snacks between meals really help, especially some sort of protein n a fruit of vegetable
Yep. To this day I still eat some kind of snack by 3 pm. My system cannot make it to dinner (6 pm) with energy unless I get the snack. I really feel the drop in energy without it. Rather essential step in care for me.
I don't eat that much just the wrong things
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