Do All People With Diabetes Crave Sugar?
I find myself always wanting something sweet. Is that how it is with all diabetics? What do I do in that case?
They say dark chocolate is good for you , have a piece not the whole chocolate, I can have a chocolate on the table for a whole week without touching any of it ,so when I crave a small section of it and I am good.
I have to be honest and say I crave sweetness sometimes. When I do I have a small portion of my favourite sweets cos when I fight the craving I find I eat too much sweetness when I give in. It's easier FOR ME to have a small portion cos I can cut down in other areas when I do.
There is sugar in every little bit of food we eat, have you ever track down the sugar in cookies and juices, so scary, we looked at the contents of sugar for these things we buy now, some only have like 1 sugar in puddings, cookies etc, you have to take the time and read the label and decide for yourself if it is worth to buy or leave it there.
Freeze green grapes they taste sweeter and sooth my heaving.
I do. I think I want candy more after I found out that I am diabetic
Craving For.sweet Stuff
Do Any Of You Go Through A Phase Of Not Knowing What To Eat For Breakfast And/or Just Craving Certain Foods All The Time?