Anyone Else Have This Problem?
Since being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a little shy of a month ago I have noticed that since my blood sugar levels have started to come more in line with normal readings my vision has gotten progressively worse. Has anyone else had this problem?
Same thing happened to me, Started blurry vision, then glasses I use to drive and watch tv with weren't good enough anymore. Got new glasses and all of the sudden my eyes got better, luckily I was refunded the cost of the new glasses!! It is weird!!!
Yes, this is very common and should get back to normal with time. Chris is right, you have to see an eye doctor at least once a year. Cararacts happen younger with diabetes too. If you had glasses made for you while your diabetes was uncontrolled, your glasses might not be good for you anymore.
I had blurry vision too in the beginning. Mine went completely away when my blood sugars leveled off. It took a few months. Did you see an eye doctor? You should get tested for diabetic retinopathy at least. My sugars were out of whack but my eyes are good just cataracts got a little worse. I wore reading glasses
with the number 1 and it worked until the blurry vision went away. I got them at a 99 cent store.
Blurry vision is usually temporary and should get better.
Our bodies will adapt to higher/or lower blood sugars. I would give it a little longer and see if your eyes adjust to the new low. Has anything else in your environment changed? More smog, move to new house, vacation in sunny locale? These may also factor in.
My Dr told me to wait on going to eye Dr till we get it under control
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