I Have Recently Noticed That My Toes And Front Part Of My Feet Are Tinglings All The Time
I have further noticed that my feet used to be warm are now sometimes getting cooler and I need to put on socks to keep them warm. Any ideas
That is a common (complication) of high sugars over a period of time.
High sugars do damage to blood vessels, but they do it slowly so you don't notice "when" it's actually happening. Since your feet are furthest away from your heart they are usually the first (thing) that notices the damage. Reduced circulation gives the pins/needles and cold feeling because circulation to them is compromised.
At this stage it becomes even more important that you keep your sugars in check to reduce a worsening of the condition. If it continues then you start getting really super nasty complications - sores, ulcers, weeping wounds, necrotic tissue and possibly amputation.
Sorry, not trying to scare you, but you are getting the warning that at least some damage is done and it needs attention to prevent it from getting worse. I would certainly mention it to your doctor on your next visit. There are some medical options to try and improve circulation.
You may need to talk to your about this. These are both signs of diabetes type damage and peripheral vascular problems. The tingling is neuropathy sign. The coolness is blood having a problem get to the feet to keep them warm. I don't know how long you have been a diabetic or how good your glucose levels are but these can add to the picture too. This is something that your doctor needs to be aware of so he can reassess your diabetic management. He may just watch or order different test to see what is going on. Many longer term diabetics have these symptoms but it these are new to you say something to him so he is aware. Wearing socks is a good thing. Try not to walk around barefoot too. It is easy to step on something and not knowing it and it is a good way to introduce a infection into your system. Took care of a lady that developed a bad infection in her foot. Long story short she had steps on a metal brissle from a wire brush. It probably had been about 6 months before and it caused major problems for her.
Ah the feet. I see a chiropodist every 3 months. Time well spent. I roll a golf ball around in circles under my feet when I'm watching TV. I wear diabetic socks and compression stockings on my calves. I wear my socks to bed. I think foot nuropathy is something I just have to put up with, but I keep on walkin'!
Tingling in the toes and front part of the feet can be a symptom of peripheral neuropathy, which is a common complication of diabetes. Peripheral neuropathy affects the feet and legs first, then the hands and arms. Symptoms include:
- Numbness
- Reduced ability to feel pain or temperature changes
- Tingling or burning Show Full Answer
I notice when my numbers are higher my feet are colder.
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