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Why Or How Do You Get Diabetic Ulcers On Your Feet?

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question 💭
Pipestone, MN
February 7, 2020
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A DiabetesTeam Member

Yes, foot problems are usually (initially) due to nerve damage caused by uncontrolled high sugars. When you can't feel "pain" you injure your feet more easily and then again, high sugars lead to problems with cuts/sores etc not healing properly.

Leg ulcers are almost always (primarily) a circulation issue.

February 7, 2020
A DiabetesTeam Member

Causes of Diabetic Foot Pain and Ulcers
Diabetic ulcers are most commonly caused by:

poor circulation
high blood sugar (hyperglycemia)
nerve damage
irritated or wounded feet

Poor blood circulation is a form of vascular disease in which blood doesn’t flow to your feet efficiently. Poor circulation can also make it more difficult for ulcers to heal.

High glucose levels can slow down the healing process of an infected foot ulcer, so blood sugar management is critical. People with type 2 diabetes often have a harder time fighting off infections from ulcers.

Nerve damage is a long-term effect and can even lead to a loss of feeling in your feet. Damaged nerves can feel tingly and painful at first. Nerve damage reduces your sensitivity to foot pain and results in painless wounds that can cause ulcers.

Ulcers can be identified by drainage from the affected area and sometimes a noticeable lump that isn’t always painful.

Dry skin is common in diabetes. Your feet may be more prone to cracking. Calluses, corns, and bleeding wounds may occur.

As a nurse I often saw diabetic patients having dry skin and cracks which then caused infections. Hope answers your question.

Diabetes and uncontrolled sugar levels causes so many health issues, which is why we need to control as much as we can, diet and exercise help also. Lifestyle changes to a better health. Nerve damages is the highest cause of people not feeling pain from an ulcer. Poor circulation does not help either.

February 7, 2020
A DiabetesTeam Member

Diabetes causes all kinds of micro damage to blood vessels and nerves. Most don't even know it is happening until they have a major problem and either have things like ulcers or ,problems with their eyesight or kidney problems. These problems seem to occur or start the further from the body's core so the feet and legs are the number one target. Even in a non diabetic person the vessels in the legs and feet have to work hard to push the blood back up to the heart to recirculate. Diabetes kind of destroys the little veins that supply the cells with their basic needs and take away their wastes. This means the the cells there are not getting all the good nutrition that they need. Diabetes also means that the blood may have more sugar than a non diabetic person and germs love the sugar because it is their food supply. The tissue that is not healthy can easily break down with much less pressure from either the outside forces such as shoes socks or things you kick. Inside forces can be swelling, bone or other structure that push on the vessels. This is one reason they say always wear shoes and not to go barefooted. Stepping on things can cause infections to be introduced easily into the foot. Diabetes also destroys the nerve feelings. So neuropathy sets in or numbness or decrease feeling. You are then not aware that there is a problem until it is open. This is the simplest way I can explain why ulcers and diabetes go hand in hand.

February 7, 2020
A DiabetesTeam Member

Diabetic ulcers on the feet can occur due to several reasons:

- Nerve Damage (Neuropathy): Diabetes can cause nerve damage, leading to a loss of sensation in the feet. This makes it difficult to feel sores, blisters, or injuries, which can go unnoticed and worsen over time
- Poor Circulation: Diabetes can reduce blood Show Full Answer

Diabetic ulcers on the feet can occur due to several reasons:

- Nerve Damage (Neuropathy): Diabetes can cause nerve damage, leading to a loss of sensation in the feet. This makes it difficult to feel sores, blisters, or injuries, which can go unnoticed and worsen over time.
- Poor Circulation: Diabetes can reduce blood supply to the feet, making it difficult for injuries to heal.
- Foot Deformities: Abnormal foot structure can increase the risk of ulcers.
- Infections: Injuries that are not felt or treated can become infected, leading to ulcers.

Regular foot inspections and proper foot care are essential to prevent and manage these ulcers.

July 15, 2024

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