61 Yrs Old. I Have Had Type 2 For Over 5 Years Now, No Obvious Symptoms.
I have a question for other members. I see my doctor regularly and he has adjusted meds in the past. I am currently taking 1000 mg Metformin twice daily, 5 mg Glyberide twice daily, and Tresiba 150 units once per day. Sugars seem controlled OK - AIC is usually just over 7.0.
Is this comparable to you guys ? (I never get to compare with others....)
Hello! I, also, take 1000 mg Metformin twice daily, watch my food intake, some exercise; blood sugar readings are between 5 --8;. I go to the city, usually, once every two months, I forget my food intake, and, enjoy a real meal, reading spikes some. My Doctor says it's alright, but, not make it a habit. A good day, to you.
I've been type2 for 24yrs
Thanks - very helpful and reassuring !
It sounds like with your Doc's help you are reasonably well managed.
You are pretty much maxed out on your metformin (which is primarily to help with fasting sugars), the Glyburide is the last ditch oral med taken before eating before going on a Bolus insulin, and your Tresiba is a super long lasting basil insulin - again mostly to help with fasting sugar but also helps a bit with post meal - so give the glyburide a little boost.
Taking the glyburide I'm sure you are aware that skipping meals is a big no-no - can lead to dangerously low blood sugar (your other two meds are "unlikely" to cause a low by themselves or together).
If your A1C is in the low 7's, you are doing well for now.
well i will say this i am diabetic type 2 i took myself off of insulin a year ago an started watchin what i eat an stay very active my doctor checks me regular an thinks iam still on insulin my number are good
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