So Any Reactions To Any Of The Vaccines?
So A few local friends that are diabetics have felt flu like symptoms after the first shot of Moderna...
I have a big project that I cannot be feeling ill for this weekend for work...
I had the Moderna last Friday. 1st day no problem. Woke up 2nd day with my head foggy and chills and my arm really sore. Spent most of the day sleeping and 3rd day back to normal
Well, I had the basic feelings like they warned you about, really bad headache, foggy thoughts, but, my major concern was, my whole arm, shoulder to wrist was in pain, aches. It hurt to move or even bend my elbow. So I went online to look at how long this feeling would linger. Turns out, this particular site said to exercise the arm very little weight, just move it around and within 10-15 minutes. I felt fine. I had the first Moderna Vaccination. I'm due for the second shot for April 1st.
I will plan in keeping my calendar free for at least 2 days after receiving the 2nd shot.
I had the Pfizer shots, didn't have any reaction at all. No down time, no flu symptoms, nothing...Friends had the Moderna with no symptoms other than a little soreness the next day at the injection site. But again nothing flu like...this was over 2 weeks ago...all is well
My wife and I finally got our first vaccines this past Friday. And we both had headaches, cold chills Muscle aches sore arms. And a our stomachs weren't feeling well. And a little bit of feeling light headed. We weren't feeling well at all Saturday. But we are doing better today.
So far no reaction of Vaccine. I took only one . Second will be in the end of this month .
Should I Get A Shingle Vaccine?
Does Anyone Still Keep Up With Covid Boosters And Other Vaccines?
I Took My 2nd Shingles Vaccine And My Arm Is Extremely Sore, Sore Throat And Headache With Joint Pain, Is This Common?