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Does Anyone Itch?

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question 💭
Grand Meadow, MN

I am constantly itching now that I have been diagnosed with T2D. Is there anything that will relieve it?

April 4, 2021
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A DiabetesTeam Member

Diabetes causes itching for a few reasons and none of them are nice.

All due to running high sugar:

the itch can be caused by nerve damage (polyneuropathy) - damage to small nerves in the skin, particularly in the legs (first)

or similar to the above, peripheral neuropathy, larger nerves, again, particularly in the legs - starts as an itch and unchecked, turns into chronic pain,

CKD - chronic kidney disease, one of the first signs is itching,

Now that's the "scary reasons".

Of course it could just be the time of year, dry skin - may have nothing to do with diabetes, but should keep an eye on it and if it persists definitely report it to your doctor.

And "don't scratch" - easier said than done, but being diabetic means it takes longer to heal and if it gets infected that can turn into a whole host of problems.

April 4, 2021
A DiabetesTeam Member

I have Fibro for 32 yrs now and that was my constant source of itching before being diabetic, as Fibro is now considered a neurological and Rheumatoid disease, I even in my 20's had paresthesia because of my Fibro, it got better over time with SSRI's medications.

@A DiabetesTeam Member mentioned the bad one that popped into my mind, which is kidney issues or failure. I worked as a dialysis nurse the last 15 years of my career before I retired last year 2020, most patients had the itching which improved with dialysis. That was my concern as many diabetics can have kidney failure. My back is always itchy and there is nothing there.

Another things about Fibro I used to have long hair till last July 2020, every time a hair touched my back or shoulders it drove me nuts, since cutting my hair short because of shoulder issues, the back still gets itchy but a lot less. I have hypersensitivity state which many Fibro patients have. My sense of smell is so strong I can taste things on my tongue such as perfumes and freshly mowed grass, causing me to have asthma or coughing spells at times. My hearing for sounds and noises is so strong I have to sleep with ear plugs, even a modem next to me used to drive me crazy, so does my lamp on my bedside table at times I hear it crackling away lol. So a simple little itch can become a very increased state as a Fibro patient. I had JRA at age 15 and my new Rheum explained to me that many people will develop Fibro within 10 years of having autoimmune diseases such as my JRA.

April 4, 2021 (edited)
A DiabetesTeam Member

Thank you. I do have fibromyalgia I have had it for about 25 years. Other things to but would make me itch. Only meds I'm taking right now is my insulin. I will TRY not to scratch!
Thank you again

April 4, 2021
A DiabetesTeam Member

Do you only have diabetes or other health conditions which can also be a source of itching. Or maybe a medications you are on can be culprit also, you can speak to your pharmacist and they may be able to help you by looking into your medications in case it is one of them.

April 4, 2021

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