Why Can’t I Seem To Lose Weight No Matter What I Do?
I hear that from many.
Weight can be one of the single biggest factors in the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes.
Being overweight, defined as having a BMI over 25 (all kinds of on-line calculators to figure your BMI by plugging in your current weight and your height with some also considering age).
It has been proven again and again in Type 2 studies that if you can get and keep your weight below a BMI of 25 that you will improve both your insulin resistance or your ability to produce insulin in… read more
Ok – a calculator will be very helpful in this but here goes.
To figure “maximum calories a day while actively trying to lose weight” you figure these three (factors):
Your current Weight in Kilograms (pounds divided by 2.2 will convert to KG) multiplied by 10
Figure your height in Centimeters (to convert multiply your height in inches by 2.5) and then multiply that by 6.25
Your Age X 5 and whatever that is you either add 5 to it for males or subtract 161 for females
(that’s not a sexist thing, women just physiologically retain body fat better than males which sucks making it more difficult for them to lose weight and age is a factor because the older we are the more difficult it is to lose weight because we naturally require less calories)
When you have those 3 number results you simply,
Add the first number to the second and subtract the third – that will tell you your maximum calorie intake a day to lose weight.
To illustrate I will use myself:
I weigh 170 lbs (divided by 2.2) equals 77.2 KG – so multiply that by 10 = 772
My height is 6’1” (or 73”) multiplied by 2.5 (to get cm) = 182.5 X 6.25 (from the formula) = 1140
And finally, I’m 58 (x 5) = 290 +5 (from formula for a male) = 295
(if I was a woman it would be 58 X 5 – 161 = 129)
And now just plug in the numbers:
(Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators)
So 1617 calories a day would be the “calculated” maximum daily calorie allowance if I wanted to “lose weight”.
I did “not bad” just with the trial/error method when I came up with 1650 a day which DID allow me to lose and keep of 60 pounds.
So if you have tried and tried and got nothing but frustrated maybe take the couple of minutes and figure out (scientifically) what your daily “I Want to Lose Weight” Calorie number should be and give it a try.
We need to burn up years of "stored body fat" and the only way to do that is to "starve ourselves a little" and force our body to make up the difference by burning up that extra fat we are carrying. When it's gone we can get back to "business as usual" (2000'ish calories a day) and maintain that new slimmer YOU. 😀
What I should have started with in my above answer to @A DiabetesTeam Member is that most of these (suggestions, directions - whatever you want to call them) are generalized for the "average" Diabetic.
Given that 70% of Type 2's don't even really try to follow a diet, the professionals have tried to develop at least "some guidance".
Counting carbs, calculating Glycemic Loads (GL - GI or Glycemic Index has to be looked up on a chart because it is figured out in a lab environment) is NOT Rocket Science but it does involve some work on the part of the one that tries to use it to tailor "their diet".
So for those who (can't be bothered) the guidance is there to try and give them the best chance of "not blowing themselves up" with what they eat.
It's just easier to say NO White Bread, Rice or Potato and try to pick foods with a Glycemic Index below 50.
If you do that you will generally be "somewhat safe" but you will also be restricting yourself in what you can eat.
Because if you are willing to look up some numbers, count some carb, figure out your own carb number and then spend a few minutes with a calculator you can greatly expand the variety of what you can eat.
No, we often can't eat the portion size we wish we could. But I personally would rather eat (occasionally) 3/4 cup of potato or 4oz of rice or whatever then "never eat it again" for the rest of my life.
Hey @A DiabetesTeam Member carb or carbs is just short for Carbohydrates and they are both absolutely necessary but they also jack up our blood sugar.
The nutrition in foods fall into three broad classes -
Fats - found in meat, dairy, nuts etc do nothing to our blood sugar
Protein - again found in meat, nuts, beans etc barely move our blood sugar
Carbohydrates - which are further broken into sugars, starches and fibers have a great effect on our blood sugar.
Sugars, whether natural (in fruit) or processed (table sugar) get quickly converted to blood sugar.
Starches (like in flour, potato, rice etc) are just a complex sugar (so two or more sugars together) quickly increase our blood sugar and keep it high longer
and then fibers are the "good carbs" that don't move our blood sugar and help our digestive system work better.
Carbs do also contain tons of vitamins, minerals, trace elements - stuff we really need but since they also mess with our blood sugar we need to find a balance.
You want to eat enough carbs to get all the nutrition we need but not so many that we jack our blood sugar.
That means the "game becomes" trying to find and pick the "best carbs" we can because we are limited in how many we can eat.
I was never able to lose weight following the dietitians recommendations I basically had to take over and do my own thing and doing a trial n error run of what works for me and what didn't...i am sure they would not agree but i feel great n do my best to keep my blood sugars in check which isnt easy for a Type 1 or Type 2`s as well....been awhile since i seen a dietitian....
@A DiabetesTeam Member I am glad that works for you.
But I am slightly more pragmatic.
Over the past few hundred thousand years humans evolved as omnivores. Our metabolism tailored our bodies to "need and use" nutrition from all food groups with "animal products" being a huge part of that.
So while you can adopt a vegan diet it is not "natural" and your body was not designed to get all it's nutritional needs from only non-animal sources.
And that is why no diet is "perfect" - while there are a number of benefits to a vegan or vegetarian diet in terms of health there is also a downside.
If you leave aside any personal views/opinions about the use of animal products, we just can't get all the vitamins, minerals, trace elements etc from "plants alone" that our bodies have "evolved to need"
Vegan and Vegetarian diets, without supplements, can leave you severely deficient in Vitamin B12 (which diabetes meds already cause low levels), calcium, iron and zinc - all of which are super important.
Simply wishing we could or believing we can does not make it so.
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