Depression And Anxiety
Do people with diabetes suffer from depression and anxiety because of the stress each day presents itself with keeping their blood/sugar under control? Are sleeping difficulties also the result of this free floating anxiety?
Don't know the cause of the depression but it is known to occur at "twice the rate" of the general population.
I can say that any chronic disease or illness people are diagnosed with, will make people get depressed, because of the possible lifelong struggles ahead, especially when most know nothing of said illness or disease. But once one learns more about their condition, they can see a ray of hope. There are a few stages most people go through when diagnosed with chronic long term diseases or illnesses. They are similar to grief as you are morning a life you once had
I will copy and paste an excerpt on Grief and will post the link if you wish to read more.
Does grief always follow the same order of stages? The five stages of grief are:
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
Not everyone will experience all five stages, and you may not go through them in this order. Grief is different for every person, so you may begin coping with loss in the bargaining stage and find yourself in anger or denial next. You may remain for months in one of the five stages but skip others entirely.
I used to have 12 diseases with no cure some since birth, others in my teens and early 20's, but after being diagnosed with diabetes in Aug 2019 and getting tested for many other issues going on at the time, I now have 18 diseases with no cure, and believe me I have often been in one of these states at many points in my life. Also life events can cause these stages, anything from financial problems, marital problems, accidents, etc... it is not just grief for a loved one we may go through. Losing a limb or eye sight can cause grief also. I myself had to retire early with penalty (@ 55 yrs old) due to health issues, but my plans were to get rehired as availability, but unfortunately my health is far more worse then I imagined. @A DiabetesTeam Member and a few others in here, helped me out a lot when I joined this group mid Oct 2019 (so much so that I was able to come off diabetic medications after 9 months I had been on them). @A DiabetesTeam Member even warned me that once I would be retired, to be careful not to fall in the frame of mind that I would lose my identity from no longer being a nurse, and boy was he ever right, especially when this pandemic started 2 weeks before I retired, I felt guilty retiring at that point, but I did end my career while on sick leave, so I never would have been able to go back to work anyways. I am sure many in here can vouch how depressed I got back then also. My retirement plans were changed because of Diabetes, but after 2 years I am healthier then I was before due to the changes I made for my diabetes. In the end all will seem brighter once you understand more about your condition.
Alot of people with diabetes suffer from depression and anxiety. If you suffer from these along with stress your blood sugar will run higher due to these elements.
We suffer it just the same as anyone else
Can Diabetes Effect My Mood
Anyone Constantly Fatigued, Even When Sugars Are Under Control?
Good Day Everyone, Lately I Been Feeling Tired And I Don't Know Why Do Some Of You Feel That Way ♥️