As A Canadian Diabetic Should You Get Your 4th Covid Dose "now" Or Wait For The New Formula?
Bit of a public service announcement for the Canuck's in the group.
I posed the question to both my family doctor (yesterday) and my Pharmacist earlier this afternoon (who I give far more weight to then any Doc - after all a Pharmacist is an "expert" in medication of all types).
If you have been following the news we are getting conflicting views from Health Canada, Chief Medical Officers from the various provinces and even the Regional Health officials.
I asked specifically as a Diabetic… read more
I got my 4th however I still got COVID in early June with very, very mild symptoms.
I would advise that you get your 4th too!
@A DiabetesTeam Member there is a (normal type vaccine) coming this fall that has been developed to deal with the most recent (variants).
I was reading that the doses we got whether it was Pfizer, AstraZenica, Moderna or the J&J were pretty decent against the original strains but now Covid has got a little smarter and changed enough that the protection is less effective.
The new vaccine (coming to Canada at least) is a protein based so none of the side effects of the last ones, apparently akin to getting the flu shot.
So if it has been long enough since your 4th dose and you want to be protected against the strain(s) currently ramping up for the fall season, then it may be wise to get the (new) vaccine.
Of course, discuss it with a professional you trust.
I’ve had both vaccines and one booster. I had Covid back in April, I believe. It really made me exhausted for about a month. I’m glad I had been vaccinated, or I wonder how bad I would have been without it. I may wait till the fall to get the next dose, as I may still have some immunity from having Covid? Something I will think about.
Thank you again @A DiabetesTeam Member.
Graham, I agree with your message and I'm going to wait unless my doctor says otherwise. I've had both vaccines and booster last year and I'm under 60. I'll communicate with my doctor for my August appointment. Great idea to speak to my Pharmacist who knows medicines!
Thanks so much! 😊
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