Why Are Restaurants And Bakeries So Anti Diabetes In Their Food Offerings?
Many grocery stores sell more and more keto friendly foods. However this isn’t true at most restaurants and especially bakeries and ice cream shops.
Don't blame restaurants and bakeries, we don't have to go to them. A lot of diabetics assume they can't have their favourite meals/treats anymore but they may not realise diabetics can eat anything. I chose to give up sugar and frying food at home but do I miss it NO cos my bgs never go beyond 10. If I want some "forbidden fruit" I have a small portion of it, I have a takeaway as an occasional treat, mainly chinese, I have a portion of chips(fries) from my local chippy once a month on my way home from a pub quiz but because I don't have them regularly my monthly "sin" won't affect the stability of my bgs. Atm I'm really into sushi (WITHOUT WASABI COS ITS AWFUL), I love Japanese, pickled artichoke hearts/ginger/ other pickled Japanese foods. Diabetes IS NOT ABOUT WHAT YOU CAN OR CAN'T HAVE its all about GETTING THE BALANCE RIGHT ie: when I go out for a carvery meal I have the meat, loads of veggies, gravy but NO POTATOES/SAUSAGES/YORKIE but I pile veg such as carrots, green beans, cauliflower,. roasted and baked onions, broccoli, leeks up so I still have an occasional "big meal", I choose not to have a sugary dessert cos most places will make me a fresh fruit salad if I ask them to.
Hi warriors,
While traveling in the Outer Banks, in the Carolinas, my Bride wanted to eat at a bakery, that was also famous for it's homemade ice cream. I said if that's what you want, let's go for it. She tried to back out. I said I could make myself eggs when we got back to our apartment.
She had fudge, a ice cream sundae, and Boston cream donut for dinner.
While she was eating, I saw someone, pick up a cheeseburger, fries, and hotdog. So I asked if I could have a hamburger, keep the bun, keep the fries, on a bed of lettuce. They complied. Nice.
So I have met the evil bakery, homemade ice cream beast and am victorious for now. Baby steps. I wish for you more good days than bad and have many exceptional days too.
Never give up, never surrender, never ever.
You got this.
Have a wonderful day.
Hi @A DiabetesTeam Member,
You will have to go to the grocery or online to get keto friendly baked goods or keto friendly ice cream.
Restaurants are easy if you know carb counts. I go to diners, luncheonettes, chain restaurants, fast food, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Mediterranean, Italian and have been able to eat to my meter.
This is a seafood diablo that normally comes over spaghetti. I did a Sally from the movie When Harry Met Sally. I said I am diabetic and cannot have the pasta. Could you please put it over a bed of fresh spinach. They complied and the hot seafood partially cooked the spinach. It was different, but absolutely amazing.
I do the same thing with chicken marsala. At Asian restaurants, I have only 1 tablespoon of rice. Miso soup is great. Egg drop soup is tolerable.
Fast food, and chain restaurants will substitute lettuce for the bun.
Sometimes I will just order off the menu and leave the carbs.
Most bakeries are out, some ice cream places have Italian ice. I can have 1 tablespoon for taste at bakeries or ice cream places. I eat to my meter.
Baby steps. I can do baby steps and you can too.
I will never give up, never surrender, never ever.
You got this.
Have a wonderful day.
You would "think" that since now Diabetics makes up somewhat above 10% of the population that restaurants would at least "identify" what on their menu was a little more friendly towards us.
As others have mentioned it's may not be economically viable to produce an extensive number of choices but they could at least put some little seal or star or something that identifies their lower carb offerings (based on some common standard).
Because seriously how many times have you seen "Gluten Free" plastered all over products and food options.
Less then 1% of the population actually "NEEDS" to eat gluten free - the rest are bandwagon Fad cling-on's (remember when NOBODY could eat MSG? Notice how you don't hear that anymore and it's still ever present in many products).
So if they can put a sticker or provide a notice for 1% of the population, certainly they can give us some kinda of identifier to help us identify things that are little more friendly for us to stick in our mouths'.
I think Hkc hit it on the nose as far as options goes. The thing is they are not anti-diabetes they are pro-profit. They offer what sells. As Hkc pointed out we have options and don't be afraid to ask for substitutions. A lot of restaurants are starting to jump on the "health food" band wagon and offer baked or grilled items and a wide selection of veggies. Unfortunately most places will continue to rely on bread to fill out their menu but you can ask for crackers instead as a few of them are perfectly acceptable and a decent substitute for bread.
Basically it is up to you to know what is acceptable in your diet and to make the right choices. Once you've got that down you will be able to enjoy a nice meal in almost any restaurant of your choice.
Now as for bakeries . . . They are the devil. Avoid them at all costs! They are nothing but temptation and will steal your soul if given the opportunity!
Seriously though, you should probably avoid bakeries as their offerings are pretty much all carb heavy. Best to stay away from temptation when possible. That being said there is a bread out there for us called Hero bread (hero.co) 0 net carbs, 0 net sugar. It's pretty good too.
In the end it is our job to do the math and know our needs. It is not that difficult once you've gotten into your diet groove. You'll be ordering at your favorite restaurants like a pro. Here's to you and your journey, I wish you all the best! 😁 💙
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