What Do You Think Of Those Consultants And Other Professionals Who State Your Chronic Condition (such As Diabetes) Is “progressive”?
I might accept it if they said that my condition *might* be progressive. Can you imagine how some/many diabetics feel when told their condition was progressive? Many may have thought what’s the point and not bother to manage their condition because quite simply the professionals held out no hope.
I remember when I was diagnosed with Cervical Myelopathy the neurologist told me that in two years I’d be in a wheelchair. That was back in 2002 and I walk at least three times a walk and go on long… read more
Unfortunately it's true that it's a progressive condition? although one can put on extra brake pads by changing one's diet as far as a lot of us Financially disposition allow 's walking for 25 min a day! no not a race!! a brisk walk Yes! the one your body can handle for today
Unfortunately as is my Congestive Heart failure !ps I am in week 6 of triple coronary by pass, I can still choose to Accept it as a Death sentence and just fade away or! Yes there is a big Or!! listen to your Dr,God blessed them !! listen to your body but get up every day with I'm still blessed with a new day,shower get dressed have your meals at the table,brush your teeth and fight the good fight.
I think it is how the doctor approaches it. If they just say it's progessive over saying it's progessive but you can control how fast it progesses and explain how. Then the person has the knowledge to control it. I do understand your view point. My radiation oncologist before radiation or chemo called and told me i don't think you will make it. She also sent me info on pallitive care. That was 8 1/2years ago and a m cancer free. If i didn't realize it was just her opinion i may not of bothered with and chemo or radiation.
@A DiabetesTeam Member
Agreed, it's uncontrolled diabetes that is progressive but unfortunately those in the medical industry don't point that out.
I have the CGM but the patches are too expensive.
I’m sick & tired of being looked at (237 lbs, t2 on insulin and have 6 toes) and being told by drs I need to get my diabetes under better control or I will lose my feet. Hello, my a1c is 6.2, I’ve lost close to 100 lbs, I’m very well controlled and I spend most days taking care of myself!! They assume I don’t, which really pisses me off!!
@A DiabetesTeam Member Also doctors have to have intuition in order to synthesise what look like opposing symptoms into a diagnosis. Sadly this intuition is a dying art and is being replaced by computers who do number crunching and apply probability theory to come up with the most likely diagnosis. The claim is that they are more accurate than doctors’ diagnoses but I’d like to see more data on that.
Am I The Only One That Is Sick And Tired Of Medical Professionals And Pundits Saying That Diabetes Is Progressive?
What Is Being Done About The Stigma Around Diabetes?
How About A Different Question Today? What Field/discipline/job/career Did You Study For Post Secondary If Anything?