What Can I Eat During Holiday Dinners?
Well the “face stuffing season” is fast approaching and while occasionally going off the rails a little won’t cause much harm we don’t want to jump off a cliff
So I have put together a bit of a (primer) if you are wondering “can I eat this” while chowing down holiday meals (went for the foods I have typically seen at family dinners).
Many of us know our carb numbers and even if we are going to abandon them “for just that one meal” maybe staying to recommended “no more than 50 carbs per meal”… read more
Thank you hope your HOLIDAY IS WONDERFUL.
@A DiabetesTeam Member make sure go for either the Avocado or Olive Oil Mayo - may as well get some of those really healthy Unsaturated Fats while you are at it 😁
Thanks Graham! I'd love to eat a whole turkey, and a whole ham with some dill pickles on the side, maybe some mayo and mustard too.
Thank you Graham, very helpful 😀
Hope you have a great holiday Clara!
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