So Confused As What To Eat. Some Sample Menus Would Be Appreciated. I'm Type 2
Happy Birthday @A DiabetesTeam Member.
Good morning from South Jersey. I personally do 15-20 carbs per day, 5-8 carbs per meal, when I am maximizing my carb loading while eating to my meter. 5-8 carbs per day is what I did for the 1st 3.5 months after diagnosis.
If you want to read some useful information from the right perspective and guidelines, go to the Diabetes UK site. Their information is pretty good and tells you what you need to do to take control of your diabetes journey.
If you read the articles here on this site, they can help you understand more about your diabetes journey.
All that being said. Welcome aboard and into our family. Love you. Praying for you. Want only the best for you. That's what family does. How can we help and support you. I wish for you more good days than bad and have many exceptional days too.
Take it slow. Baby steps. Start with one and keep doing it daily. When you are ready do another and keep doing it every day. Soon you are on your way.
Cut out all added sugars in food and drink.
Cut back carbs, especially cut white carbs.
White flour products.
White potatoes.
White rice.
White pasta.
Cut all carbs to a serving per meal. Did you know that a serving of carbs, is 15 carbs. 15 net carbs is:
I slice bread.
1/3 cup potatoes.
1/3 cup pasta.
1/3 cup rice.
1/2 cup beans.
A serving of broccoli is 3 net carbs.
A serving of cabbage, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, bok choi, Chinese cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables is in the 2-3 net carb range.
A serving of greens is 1 net carb.
2 eggs is 1 net carb.
Half an avocado is 1 net carb.
7-10 almonds or the equivalent in other nuts is 1-2 net carbs.
6 blueberries, or 4 raspberries, or 2 blackberries is in the 1-2 net carb range.
Does this primer help you.
Most type 2 diabetics can handle 100-130 net carbs spread equitable throughout 3-5 meals and 1-2 snacks daily.
Some can only tolerate 80 daily.
Some only 50 daily.
Some only 30 daily.
And then there is me at 15-20 daily. 5-8 net carbs per meal.
I eat to my meter, my blood glucose numbers spreadsheet, and my food journal. They tell me what foods I can eat somewhat freely, what foods I must limit, and what foods I must almost totally avoid.
A good morning fasting blood glucose number is below 7.0(126).
A good 2 hour number is below 7 8(139). This will prevent further vascular damage and progression of diabetic complications and comorbidities.
Another number to note is the hypo range, approaching or below 3.9(70). A severe hypo can cause disorientation, coma,and death. I avoid hypos at all costs.
This is a 5 carb breakfast. Tasty and satisfying. Watch your portions.
Good luck. Baby steps.
Never give up, never surrender, never ever.
You got this.
Have a wonderful day.
@A DiabetesTeam Member Henry eats "Keto" by any other name also referred to a "ultra low carb"
No real definition although typically "below 50 carbs a day"
Keto is a "moving target" because technically it is eating low enough carb to achieve "ketosis" which is burning "ketones" (primarily FAT and to a lesser extent, protein) for fuel instead of carbs and each individual will have a different (carb number) need to achieve that metabolic state
Atkins has two structured diets, one at 20 carbs and one at 40 carbs which will put "most people" into ketosis - the (been around for years now) Southbeach diet works on the same principle
Ultra Low Carb/Keto is effective for blood sugar control and weight loss but you do have to be vigilant
If you achieve ketosis (as a diabetic) and then "cheat and wolf too many carbs" you can really upset the apple cart and end up with ketoacidosis which is a state of burning fat in the presence of extremely high blood sugar with insufficient insulin production to deal with that sugar overload
(insulin production drops off to almost nothing when experiencing ketosis so a "slip" could lead to seizures or coma)
So burning ketones is safe/effective if you do it on purpose, not so good if its in the presence of high glucose levels so those that wish to try Keto/Ultra Low Carb need to be serious about it and the ok from a Doc and some professional nutritional help (or following a structured diet like Atkins20 or Atkins40) and not bending the rules or falling off the wagon is needed for safety
Try plant based foods. I'm having a blast. So many recipes online to choose from. Look it up via Google, etc.
@A DiabetesTeam Member check out the link below
It is for the recipe section on the Diabetes UK Website - the UK is "serious" about giving advice on how to manage and not simply treat with a prescription pad and are probably the best resource anywhere for everything diabetes.
The rest of our Diabetes Organizations would actually be able to help us if they took the same approach...
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