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Apple Cider Pill Supplements

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question 💭
Otsego, MI

I have been taking apple cider pill supplements for over a year. Does anyone else take this supplement and what benefits have you seen if any?

May 1, 2023
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A DiabetesTeam Member

Hi @A DiabetesTeam Member,
I take a 550 mg capsule about 30 minutes before eating breakfast, midday meal, and dinner. I have noticed that it takes 2.5-3.5 hours for my number to eclipse my before eating number.

When I am at my low end of carb loading, I eclipse my before meal number at about 2.5 hours. When near the top of my carb loading it takes about 3.5 hours.

This seems to collaborate @A DiabetesTeam Member cgm data.

I do usually eat fewer carbs at dinner because it seems to take longer for my number to come down after dinner.

Although last night I maxxed my carbs because I felt like doing it. I was still 0.8(14) points higher at 3 hours than before eating. I than dropped off to sleep. I awakened 2 hours later for the loo, drank 16 ounces water and ate 6 blueberries.

Off to sleepytime for almost 4 hours.
Loo, 16 ounces water, 6 blueberries. Responding to you. Goodnight again.

Good luck.

May 1, 2023 (edited)
A DiabetesTeam Member

I have been taking them as a combination supplement - ACV plus Chromium

ACV is supposed to slow down gastric emptying which would have the effect of spreading the uptake of the carbs (in a meal you take the ACV with/before) so that you don't peak as high but you kinda sustain the increased blood sugar over a longer period of time

Typically it takes about 2 hours for digestion to take place (which is why we test at two hours after the first bite) - the ACV may spread that out to 3'ish hours

My CGM graphs tend to support that the ACV is working the way it is (advertised) - instead of seeing a sharp peak which then drops off I see more of a "long hump" that doesn't go as high

The attached CGM run from my Libre illustrates perfectly what I'm trying to say. Following the first arrow (consumed 23 carbs) you see the sharper/higher spike then after the second arrow (consumed 29 carbs) I didn't go as high but it kinda rippled out over a longer period of time (slower uptake)

The ACV allowed me to eat "more carbs" with less peak blood sugar effect - win/win

But the effect seems to be short term so I take the caplet "immediately before supper" which is usually my most carb intensive meal

May 1, 2023 (edited)
A DiabetesTeam Member

U probably didn't take cider vinegar for long enough to give it a chance to start working, any homeopathic remedy takes time to kick in, I take my cider vinegar alongside my painkillers so I get the best of both worlds, PURE ORGANIC cider vinegar gives you the most potent help for pain Dominos1111

May 2, 2023
A DiabetesTeam Member

Tried the vinegar but couldn’t tell if it was helpful or not. So just stopped but I have always heard a lot of good things about it. Good luck and hope it works well for you.

May 1, 2023
A DiabetesTeam Member

Cider vinegar is excellent for breaking down uric acid crystals that cause arthritic pain in affected joints

May 1, 2023

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