Food Regulation/pain
My diabetes is sort of control but I have a lot of pain on my left side and that's due to the balancing off constipation versus diarrhea. Can anyone recommend what I could do to rectify the situation I see therapist again on Tuesday and then the following Tuesday after that I see The doctor again
Hi @A DiabetesTeam Member,
When I did intense daily radiation treatments for 9 weeks a side effect was intense constipation. I was put on stool softener at every meal. It helped.
I get my stool softener in the morning and morning Only On the daily basis even though I have diabetes type 2 which doesn't helpOn the daily basis even though I have diabetes type 2 which doesn't help. At last check my A1C was 6.9
Did You Know Okra
Why Are My Blood Sugars Consistently Low? I'm Not On Medication, I Eat Regular Meals, I Stay Hydrated.
Anyone Tried Elecrolytes?