What Should We Be Told When We Are Diagnosed With Type 2?
I work with a couple of other groups and one of them is trying to answer that question with an eye to developing a kinda "cheat sheet" to be used for someone newly diagnosed
Some of my suggestions are:
Explain what diabetes is
Explain what an A1C test is looking at and what their number was
Tell them what their target A1C should be
Tell them "why" control is important - explain the main complication and impress upon the patient that "bad things WILL happen" so they need to take this seriously
All of the above plus dont act like borderline isnt a problem.
It truly sad that the doctors fail to do just that,million dollar question is why? It took me years and a lot of searching to understand this condition. Thank you Graham, I'm truly grateful to be in this community. 🙏🤗
Right on Graham. My primary care physician , when initiallly prescribing meds for me, was bouncing around different possible meds, without having good insight as to which one'x would work best with least side effects.
It wasn't until I saw an endocrinologist, that I felt that I was getting knowledgeable and proper care.
This is brilliant, I agree 100%, I think the family in certain cases should also be involved to support their own. Thank you
I was given a one sheet guide with possible menu . Totally inadequate .
Many of us had preconceived ideas of what it meant to be diabetic. Possibly due to family member who ignored their disease
But Waiting for the onset of disease is already negligent. Practical advise on how to control appetite . Cravings and bingeing for their over weight patients would do more good. Perhaps a worksheet on identifying why some over eat . Studies have shown an overwhelming correlation with sexual abuse and obesity especially in woman
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What Year Were You Diagnosed, And With What Type?