Not To Be To Nosey, When It Comes To Everyone's Insurance.
When it comes to everyone's insurance on here , did your insurance pay for diabetic nutrition school, so far the different insurances that I had from one to another never has.
In Ontario Canada our provincial system pays for Diabetes classes (if available), consulting with a dietitian, all doctor/lab visits for everything diabetes
If you are young, retired or have modest income then they also cover most of the cost of meds and testing supplies (less a co-pay), for everyone else you either pay out of pocket or would need coverage with private insurance to cover meds and testing supplies
But all "services" are covered (of course it's sucked out of us in taxes but you don't pay out of pocket when you use the service)
Yes,and they pay the majority of my meds also,as well as labs,dr.appt,etc.
Mine did not pay for anything. Not even my glucose testing supplies. Insurance sucks!
How Is Everyone Handling Thanksgiving And Other Holidays When It Comes To Diet And Alcohol? I Have Made Small Changes But Not Enough.
How Many Members Do Not Have Constant Glucose Monitor? Show Of Hands Pleasehands Please
Is There Any Other Method Or App To Use To Take Your Sugar Readings Besides The Libre Sensor Or Finger Prick. Libre Sensor Too Expensive.