I Appear To Be Having A Gum / Tooth Infection, Has Anyone Experienced Low Blood Sugar Levels With An Infection ? No Fever Yet
So today twice before supper and now 2 hrs post bedtime snack, blood sugar finger prick I am at 5.2, what I ate 2 hrs ago should have brought my sugar up by now, as Endo prefers I go to bed with sugar levels around or above 6.0 (108). Yet after supper I was at 8.2 (148) for about only 15 min, this was done on purpose as Endo told me to have more Carbs before a walk so I do not drop, well I went down to 5.2 (94) finger prick after the 30 min walk. Now this evening my problematic tooth and gum… read more
I would be more inclined to think that your gastroparesis may be easing up a bit.
Usually infections will raise your blood glucose levels. So your hypos might be more related to the quick drop of your blood glucose levels giving you reactive hypoglycemia at a higher number than a typical hypo.
Good luck.
@A DiabetesTeam Member yes just heard about the honey trick a few weeks ago, the CLSC was treating my stepson's wound on his foot with honey and dry dressing over it. I was shocked to say the least, but I had heard it acts as antibiotics had no clue they used it on wounds though as a medical treatment in our health care settings.
I have had a problem with an infection of a tooth and was treated with antibiotics that cleared it up. Still have the tooth too! It seems diabetics are more prone to infections..Good luck!🥰
Johanna - Glad to hear there is no infection requiring antibiotics. Your dentist sounds very thorough and well-informed. Never knew that herpes could hide in the gum, but it makes sense. I had a mysterious small flap on the mouth wall, which turned out to be HPV. I didn’t even know I had that in my system, but glad to know, and glad to find out it wasn’t something more serious. 1 day a time, for sure! Take good care.🙂
@A DiabetesTeam Member the relief is in knowing there is no infection requiring antibiotics, the tooth is loose also and on Xray the root appears to be dying or dead. So she did a cold test, she tried on a healthy tooth and man it was real cold and painful within 1 second. She then proceeded to the problem tooth and I felt nothing at all even after 2 min, which is proof the root is dead. The gum swelling might be caused by the tooth also. By the time I saw the doctor the swelling I drained was already healing well and no more fluid under the gum, she rinse the area then applied air to make it dry and the swelling was down. She believes it may be a form of herpes which because of my autoimmune diseases acting up of late may be reactivating the herpes, she think it is hiding under the gum and may even be in the tooth itself, hence the issue always being on that 1 tooth. So they are closed for vacations and we are also on vacation. I have appt. for August 17th for teeth cleaning and about 1 week later the tooth will be coming out. She stated since this began in March and happening every 2 weeks or so, that once the tooth is removed that the gum itself will heal and the problem might not come back. She suspects the herpes as she stated there was a little white dot almost healed up so she could not determine 100 % this is the problem, but when I showed her the March picture of my upper paleta having those little ulcers she showed me on a big screen that it was this herpes happening, so she thinks the herpes is hidding in the gum, which will be cleaned out. So cleaning needs to be done first, then 1 week later remove the tooth, as she stated being diabetic the gum will heal slower then my usual. So it might have to do with my autoimmune system, as in my 20's and 30's I used to have similar issues a lot, even had 2 huge ulcers burned in my mouth with silver nitrate by ENT and those were autoimmune related. Apparently This type of herpes can be reactivated at any time, as once you have it , especially under stress or autoimmune diseases, but as she stated they also go away on their own within 1 to 2 weeks, at least the tooth is not hurting me. Have I mentioned autoimmune diseases suck much more then diabetes, and the 2 combined can create many complications. Life goes on, living with 18 diseases with no cure (5 being autoimmune) is no fun, so lets just add diabetes in the mixture just for fun. 1 day at a time.
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