Is My CGM Accurate Enough Compared To Lab Drawn Blood Tests?
Many of us, myself included, seem to be a little tentative in totally relying on what our CGM (Libre or Dexcom being the two most common) are telling us
We seem to always "suspect" they are reading a little high, a little low or really out to lunch sometimes
So just yesterday I got to put my CGM (Libre 2) to the ultimate test - I got to compare what it has been telling me to a lab drawn A1C test (my annual A1C test)
We currently have 3 main options for testing our blood sugar
There is the… read more
PS - here's a screen shot comparing the two numbers..
Libre said 5.7%, Lab said 5.6%
Having recently spent almost 2 weeks in hospital while wearing my CHM sensor ( Free Style Libre 2.) i compared the readings to the blood draw readings and they we’re almost identical except for a .2 or .3 difference.
You are so right.i have the dexcom 6. didn't know i was the one only who was a skeptic. i did the same thing with my dexcom &
clarity app. Thank you!
thanks JenniferWaithe my lantus never has a month to stay in the fridge.😀
Sorry, that should have been CGM not CHM!!
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How Accurate Are The CGM Sensors?
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