Could some of my diabetic friends explain why eating 2 eggs and one piece of white toast would raise my blood sugar levels to 221? It went back down 2 hours after eating but was confused why the eggs and 1 slice of toast would raise it that way. I wasn't that hungry this morning so i just ate the 2 eggs and one piece of white toast. I have a hard time figuring out what to eat for breakfast so if anyone has any suggestions on what they have for breakfast i would appreciate the advice. I do not… read more
Great answer from Jennifer wIthe. That said my gram used to say “the whiter your bread the sooner your dead “ I eat mostly spinach cheese omelets no bread for my breakfast.. trial and error on better breads may be worth trying . When I do eat breads my best results for the taste are with Dave’s all seed bread thin sliced
Do away with white bread that is your worse night mare try oats
White bread or toast is the problem. Try a whole grain toast and add veggies to your eggs. Green leafy veggies like spinach help moderate sugar spikes.
Thank you all for the great advice. Will definitely leave the white bread out of my diet. 🤗
@A DiabetesTeam Member I had to relearn everything about food and eating, from the ground up, when I adopted a diabetes diet. White bread is a definite no-no. Whole wheat bread is better for diabetics than the white bread. Same is true for rice-with brown rice being better than the white, and pasta-use the whole grain variety. I removed all bread from my diet at first and then slowly added back in only low-carb bread-like Joseph's and Dave's killer brands. Most diabetics stop eating starchy vegetable like potatoes and corn as well. Over time I found tasty alternatives. I switched from white bread decades ago and now it tastes like cake to me-super sweet, people's taste adjust with time to healthier options. Take care
When You Have Dawn Bloom How Do You Eat Breakfast If I Do Eat My Count Goes Up 40 To 70 Points Then Promply Come Down Like A Fast Elevator
Good Morning .. Have A Question Regarding Meals. What Would Be A Meal To Eat For Breakfast?
I Love Cereal For Breakfast. It's Easy To Prepare And The Crunch Wakes Me Up LOL. Are There Any Good Low Carb Cereal That You Like?