How Do I Lose Weight
My day was board
I'll tell you but only if you can keep a secret
You eat less calories then you burn up each day
That's it - no special food, no pills, no magic
If you burn 1800 calories a day and you only eat 1600 calories then your body will start to "eat your excess body fat"
If you cut the portion size of "everything" you eat, and keep doing that until the weight starts to come off then you will "know" that you have been overeating
Excess body weight doesn't come from outer space - it is directly related to what and how much you put in your mouth
If you believe you are already watching what you eat, but the weight is not moving, then you are still "eating too much"
Great article in people magazine a couple months back. Some dude lost 60 or 80 pounds eating McDonalds for every single meal over a 100 day period (plus went from prediabetic to normal and normalized his BP and Cholesterol)
What was his secret?
He ordered the meal, cut "everything" in half, tossed half right in the garbage and ate the other half
It's not what, when, how that matters but ONLY how much....
PS - I lost 60 pounds and kept it off for over 6 years now - I initially cut my calories (yes, have to count and not cheat) to 1650 per day and made no excuses) - when I got to target I worked with a dietitian to put "healthy calories" back and have been weight stable ever since - so I'm not just giving some "theory" - eating less than you burn "works" every single time
Losing weight can be particularly challenging for people with diabetes, but here are some tips from the knowledge base:
- Physical Activity: Aim for at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week (about 22 minutes a day). Ideally, work towards 300 minutes a week (about 43 minutes a day). Enjoyable activities like Show Full Answer
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