Is A "Kidney Check" Part Of Your Diabetes Checks? If Not, Should It Be?
The leading cause of Kidney Disease is Diabetes or more specifically, a complication of high blood sugar over a period of years
Somewhere between 30 and 40% of people with diabetes will develop kidney disease and can set in as early as 3 to 5 years after diagnosis with Type 1 but often takes about 10 years to "get serious" after a diagnosis of Type 2
There is no "cure" for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) so the best you can hope for is to either slow or arrest the progression once it is diagnosed
… read moreI have regular visits with the kidney Doctor. So far so good.
My blood work always includes kidney function.
I have an amazing doctor who keeps up on my Heart, Liver, Kidney etcI am very grateful for her :)
I was just reading your post when I got a ping…It was my BMP (Basic Metabolic Panel) results from blood drawn early this morning.
eGFR = 79 (Aug. 8, 2023)
eGFR = 97 (Feb 22, 2023)
I like 97 better but 79 is still within range. Plus. going for kidney tests (IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram, Ultrasound, et. al.) in September.
So…to answer your question: Yes, kidney values/function needs to be checked at least once a year if not twice.
I recently received word from my doctor that my kidney is less effective than previously. This worries me. He told me to drink more water and we would check again in a couple months.
Did You Know That Today (March 14th) Is World Kidney Day?
What Do The Doctors Tell You To Protect Your Kidneys?
Any Recommendations On A Good, And Less Painfully, Finger Trucker. I'm Using An NHS TrueDraw And It Hurts! I'm Going On Insulin Next Week