Is It Normal To Have High Blood Sugar In The Morning. It Does Come Down Towards The Evening To Almost Normal
Like 10 to 12 in the morning and 6 in the afternoon. After eating to my best in the evening to keep sugar down
It's not "normal" which is why we were diagnosed with diabetes but it is "typical" for a diabetic to experience high blood sugar in the morning (after fasting/sleeping for a number of hours)
Our body - brain, organs, muscles etc NEED sugar to function
When we are sleeping it has to rely on it's own "internal production and storage" to provide the blood sugar that we need to stay alive and function
As Type 2's in particular we have a couple of potential problems
The big one is we are almost all universally "resistant" to the insulin we are producing ourselves. So even if we make enough to deal with the sugar being released by our own body while sleeping, because we don't use it well we end up with high sugar levels
That may be coupled with a bit of an insulin production deficiency - so not quite enough insulin that isn't working quite well enough to deal with the sugar that our Liver released while we were sleeping to try and keep things functioning properly
So while "normal for a diabetic" it is an effect of the disease and could pose a problem
Having morning blood sugar levels that are either too Low OR High is quite hard on our cardiovascular system - it can damage our veins and arteries
While watching what we eat can have great effect on our "mealtime" blood sugars our fasting (or pre-prandial which simply means "before eating") sugars are far more complex to effect
Dozens of factors can lead to high fasting sugars including not enough sleep, too little exercise, weight, frequency of meals, working shift work, worry/depression, other diseases/conditions, thyroid, pituitary or adrenal gland disorders, taking certain non-diabetic meds etc
Because of that the only truly effective way to manage high fasting sugars is with medication
Metformin is used exclusively to try and help with high fasting sugars - it has no other job - it won't help if you eat a donut or pizza, that is not what it does. It simply tries to restrict how much sugar your liver releases while you are fasting (or between meals)
If you max out on that and it's still not enough then the next step would a long (or very long) acting (basil) insulin - usually injected just before bed
Eating within an hour of waking up, regardless of your sugar readings, is what our body "needs" - eating turns the liver off and turns the insulin on a higher levels which is what usually puts downward pressure on our numbers. That is why, although it seems counterintuitive, that a couple hours after eating your sugar levels may be lower than when you woke up
It is a complex process with many factors that lead to specific fasting blood sugar number and it is complicated to effect without the use of medication
One of the many things that just "suck" about Diabetes 😁
This high reading is before breakfast
High blood sugar in the morning is typical
But it is good when you want to increase blood sugar do you wake up at night and grab a snack
Sometimes what we eating as snack or fruit for example be careful of banana it also increase blood sugar but it good when yo
Hy Team I Want To Know More About Diabetes Symptoms
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