What Medicine Do You Take
No Diabetes Meds
(diagnosed in August 2016 - so 7 years diabetic and last A1C was 5.6% - the highest it has been in 6 years but not crying about that number) - if you don't stuff the wrong foods in your mouth you don't have to medicate away the resultant high blood sugar
I do take a Statin (recommended by Diabetes Canada for all diabetics whether or not their cholesterol is high or normal) and an ACE Inhibitor for blood pressure - again, same reason as a prophylactic since "most" diabetics die from some form of heart disease - easier to try and prevent then treat and deal with
How Is Your A1C And What Diabetic Medicine(s) Do You Take?
Apple Cider Vinegar
What Do You Mean 1 Carb Do You Mean One Serving Of Carb. How Many Calories Make That 1 Carb .I Notoce Hkc Said He Take 10-15 Carb Daily